As if a giant bunny invading our house in the middle of the night isn’t a scary enough thought, we had a momma opossum with 9 baby oppossums in our backyard as well.

I’ll spare you the photos, but I did not find them cute in any way. Luckily by the time Easter came around, there was no signs of the opossum invasion. Enter the Easter Bunny. I had this big, elaborate idea in my head last year for creating a tea party/brunch for my girls the day of Easter. It didn’t happen. And I wasn’t really planning on doing anything like that this year, until I remembered the adorable bunny donuts at Daylight Donuts that my husband picks up for the girls on the weekends (if you’re looking for advice on how to get picky kiddos to eat healthy, you’re in the wrong place). So anyway, my brain went into overdrive. I had to create a cute little place for their bunny breakfast. Luckily the only item I had to purchase was a $10 tablecloth from Amazon, as I had the other items on hand.

I waited patiently until they were asleep (if you’re looking for sleeping tips for kids, you’re not going to find that here either). I did have to rearrange the playroom a bit, so I could get them in front of the window, as there is usually a giant Barbie dreamhouse in that nook. But, this was such a quick setup for me to throw together. When I was setting up, I realized the donut holes we’d be getting probably wouldn’t fill the entire tiered macaron stand, and had a light bulb moment that I could insert some pom poms as fillers. I happened to have a pom garland that was so twisted it couldn’t be salvaged, so I cut some strings and re-used the pom poms in this new way.

My husband got up at about 5:30 in the morning so he could be at the donut shop when it opened. Our girls don’t sleep in, so we knew we had a limited amount of time to get the food all set up before they were up. I was so excited we were able to create this cute little Easter breakfast for them, and additionally excited about how little of my time (and money) it took to create and to take down! I had the room back to normal in about 15 minutes after this ended!

My main regret? That I didn’t take 5 minutes to iron the tablecloth. The creases from being folded are just so distracting in the images, that I’ve had to photoshop them out. Sorry about my amateur hour level skills. (If you’re looking for photography and editing tips, you’ve got me confused with my sister). Maybe I should invest in a nice camera at some point. Nevertheless, I hope the images in their head of this Easter will be one of those childhood memories they’ll cherish forever.


hot take on hot springs